Thursday, October 24, 2013

Playground Inspections at Condo Sites

Do you have a playground structure that you are responsible for that has seen better times, is aging or has been neglected for quite some time?

If so then allow me to assist you by putting you on the correct path to confidence and responsible due diligence. Following are some of the crucial areas that may need attention

The protective surface needs to be tested on a regular basis to ensure that it meets the planned criteria to protect the children using the equipment as installed. It’s important that the limits of Head Injury Criteria (1000) and GMax (200) are not exceeded this can only be absolutely defined by surface testi ng to ASTM 1292 - 99. If designed for accessibility by users with disabilities requiring a wheelchair then surface testing with a Rotary Penetrometer should be performed. Inspection of the structure will ensure that none of the components are experiencing undue wear and that fasteners are secure and of the appropriate type maintenance by someone outside of the playground industry may be well intentioned but in contravention of the CSA standard. Frost heave can cause unplanned movement of the stairways and unsafe access ways.

Safety clearances between components must be adhered to without allowing obstacles to be introduced so initial installation is an issue and also construction activities since original installation.

To adhere to CSA Z614-07, also to show due diligence, then a documented inspection report identifying these and many other details should be compiled annually by a third party inspector. An option would be for a designated person, from within the organisation with adequate knowledge, to perform document and create a file of monthly inspections.  An insurance professional advises that many Condo Corps have a deductible of between $10k and $25K should a claim be registered, so surely having an annual expenditure of $400 for inspections can be very easily justified and possibly negate the likelihood of a tragic injury. The potential claim or even of having the insurance policy in jeopardy is a business concern also.

Did you know that something as simple as posting contact co-ordinates to allow reporting of issues requiring attention is one of the items most ignored by owner/operators?
Contact Doug White of At Home and Play Inspections for “Confidence In Your Future” at 519 239 9220 or for prompt professional service

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